Oxbow on the Yellowstone
Located on the banks of Yellowstone River and ideally situated between Miles City and Forsyth, Montana, the Oxbow on the Yellowstone is truly an Eastern Montana Sportsman's Paradise. As the name suggests, the famed Yellowstone River forms a prominent oxbow on the property’s northern boundary creating about one mile river frontage and riparian area lush with mature cottonwood trees and an array of wildlife.
Featuring 572 +/- acres, the Oxbow on the Yellowstone offers a diverse landscape of expansive riparian river bottom that gives way to stands of mature timber, brushy draws, lush food plots, and productive hay meadows. The rich soils and diverse vegetation are a true testament to the property’s productivity. The Oxbow is one of the locals favorite spots for sports fishing on the Yellowstone, upriver from Miles City.
A Sportsman's paradise, the Oxbow on the Yellowstone is home to deer, elk, antelope, turkey, waterfowl, and a variety of upland game birds. A true waterfowl hunting mecca, this stretch of the Yellowstone River is home to thousands of migrating ducks and geese throughout the fall and early winter as they make their south from Canada. They choose this area of the river as both a roosting and loafing spot due to the profound oxbow upriver making this stretch of water their preferred place to rest in-between feeding in the abundant nearby ag lands.
Turkeys are abundant in the area and travel up and down the river in all seasons. Pheasants are common in the knee high native grasses while sharptail grouse and Hungarian partridge can be found in the brushy draws and sage plateaus. Many whitetail deer reside in the timber and feed in the lush food plots in the early morning and evening hours along with mule deer and antelope who spend the bulk of their days bedded in the native sage habitat. Elk can be seen moving through the area and a group of the bulls spent much of their summer and early fall last year residing on the property.
The property features several nice buildings sites for a home or cabin, each situated on the rolling bluffs overlooking the Yellowstone River and sparsely populated and vast open country. With easy access off I-94, the Oxbow on the Yellowstone can easily serve as weekend getaway or year-round estate.